The journal EcoSoEn, “Scientific Journal: Economics, Social and Engineering Sciences” is issued by the Publishing House of the Free International University of Moldova, Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova (ISSN 2587-344X, E-ISSN 2587-425X,, E-ISSN 2587-425X). It is a scientific/academic journal of the Doctoral School of Economic, Social and Informational Technologies Sciences of the University. It is focused on the studies and research from three domains: economic sciences, social sciences and IT sciences.
The journal is issued in four volumes per year, all published articles are reviewed by means of peer-review.
The main goal of the journal is to disseminate in the autochthonous and international space the results and data of the theoretical and applicative research on actual issues that are important for the social-economic development in the context of social changes.
The other important goal is to provide a complementary material of study for interested individuals, as well as to support the efforts of young and dedicated researchers.
The scientific journal is indexed in the following international databases / Revista științifică este indexată în următoarele baze de date internaţionale: CEEOL, DOAJ, IBN, INDEX COPERNICUS, Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA),