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Editor publisher / Director publicație:

GALBEN Iliandr., conf. univ., Rector ULIM



Executive Editors / Redactori executivi:

RUSNAC SvetlanaDean Faculty of Social Sciences and Education,ULIM, PhD, Associate professor, has argued in 1995 PhD thesis in psychology on “Mutual perception between ethnic groups in mixed communities” at “Al. I. Cuza” University from Iasi, Romania. Since 1995 until present is working at the Free International University of Moldova (ULIM), Chisinau, Moldova. Is Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Education Sciences and Social Work. She was involved in dozens of projects at national and international scale. She is author of about 250 publications, four monographs, six manuals and guidelines, articles in journals and collections. She participated in more than 200 national and international scientific meetings. Research interests: social psychology, psychology and humanistic psychotherapies, ethno-psychology, gender psychology, etc.

ROBU ElenaPhD, Associate professor, ULIM, Director of the Doctoral School. Research interests:  management, marketing, marketing  research, tourism. etc.

BALAN Igor, PhD, Associate professor, ULIM,  Head of Department «Business and Administration, International economic relations and Tourism» of the Free International University of Moldova. Is the author of over 120 scientific papers, education and application in respect of financial matters. State and expert in various boards in the field of public and private, writer and a member of the college of our editorial office to various magazines scientific-practical from Romania and abroad. Active participant to multiple congresses, symposia, conferences and other similar manifestations of training. The consistent advocates for the continued development of the accounts, internal audit and financial.

BLAGORAZUMNAIA OlgaPhD, Associate professor, ULIM. Education: Post- graduate studies (Chisinev Polytechnical Institute, 1978-1981),  Graduated with a first-class honours degree from the Department of Planning of National Economy (Institute of National Economy, Odessa, 1974-1978). Addition education: 1990 (Moscow Institute of Management), 1989 (Leningrad Institute of National Economy), Course on Contemporary Mamagement 2002 Bispro, Course of Personnel Management which was held in the Republic of Moldova by Japan Center in Ukraine 2001 .Published works (more 130). Author is more than 100 scientific articles and methodical allowances, curriculums on various rates (10 subjects in the area of management, business, financial account), business games for activation of educational process. The associate editor of the journal of the Kostanai State Pedagogical, has 6 students who received a scientific doctor’s degree.

 Editorial Board / Colegiul de redacţie:

AMANZHOLOVA Bibigul, PhD, Novosibirsk State Technical University (Russia)

ARMITAGE JackPhD, Professor Department of Accounting, University of Nebraska (USA) 

ASIEIEVA Yuliia, Doctor of Psychological Sciences (MD), Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, Assistant Professor, Head of the Department of Language and Psychological – Pedagogical Training (Ukraine)

BÁLINT Ágnes, PhD, University of Pécs, (Hungary)

BURLACU Nataliadr. hab., prof. univ.

BYCHKOVA Svetlana, Professor, Autonomous Еducational Institution of higher education of the Leningrad region «Gatchina State University», Russia

CAUNENCO Irinadr., conf. univ., Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, AȘM 

CIOBANU CeslavPhD, ex-Ambassador of Moldova to the USA, Coordinator of Economic Programs, Virginia State University (USA)

EVSIUKOVA Raisadr., conf. univ.

IONIŢĂ Veaceslavdr., conf. univ.

KAVUN Sergii, PhD, dr. hab., prof., Kharkiv University of Technology “STEP” (Ukraina)

KLIMENKO IrinaPhD, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, FSAEI of HPE “North Caucasus Federal University” (Russia)

KREINDLER Michael I.PhD, Karmiel College (Israel) —

KRZYSZKOWSKI JerzyPhD, Nicolaus Copernicus University of Torun (Poland)

LEAHU Tudordr., conf. univ., ULIM 

MOLDOVAN Vadim, PhD, York College of the City University of New York (USA) 

MURPHY Frances L.PhD, Estern Illinois University (USA)

OHRIMENCO Sergheidr. hab., prof. univ., ASEM  —

PIVORIENE JolantaPhD, Mykolas Romeris University, (Lithuania) —

PUGACHEVA Olga, PhD, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University (Belarus)

RASA Subačienė, PhD, Vilnius University (Lithuania)

REDLICH Alexander, PhD, University of Hamburg, Institute for Psychology (Germany)

ROȘCA Petrudr. hab., prof. univ., ULIM

RUF AlexandruPhD, Chairman of the Council of Auditors of Russia (Russia)

SANDU Ștefan-Antoniodr., Universitatea ”Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava, președinte Asociația LUMEN, (România)

ȘIȘIANU Sergiu, dr., hab., conf. univ., ULIM

SPÎNU Ana, dr., conf. univ., ULIM

STEPANOVA Galina, dr., conf. univ., Voronezh Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat (Russia)

STEVENS KevinPhD, Quinlan School of Business (USA)

STRATAN Alexandrudr. hab., prof. univ.

TURLIUC Maria Nicoleta, PhD, professor, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (Romania)

VASYUTINSKY VadimPhD, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraina) 

VEGERA SvetlanaPhD, Polotsk State University (Belarus)


Editors / Redactori:

GRAUR Elena, magistru în științe umanistice, doctorand, ULIM

MELENTIEVA Aliona, magistru în științe sociale, doctorandă, ULIM