Conţinutul numărului de revistă

Reflections on the need to implement the combined measures in the strategy of socio-economic development of the Republic of Moldova on sustainable principles in the context of distinct challenges

CZU: 330.34.014.2+338.24.021.8.

JEL: P21, F63

Balan Igor Rusu Gheorghe

Current tendencies in the higher education market: challenges and prospects

CZU: 378.4+378.1+334.021

JEL: A22, I21, I25

Roshka Petru , Trifonova Larisa 

Social protection in the field of employment of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova

CZU: 331.5

JEL: I38, Z13

Balan Aliona 

Summary of legislative amendments with effect since january 1st, 2021

CZU: 336.2

JEL: M48

Burlea Ecaterina , Spînu Ana 

Profitul, modelul du pont şi analiza stării de performanță – esențe și manifestări

CZU: 657.2.+65.012.7.

JEL: M40, M42

Deliu Angela 

Les tendances de la migration de la main-d’oeuvre dans le cadre de l’economie de la connaissance

CZU: 331.5

JEL: M12, O15.

Filip Nelli , Branaşco Natalia 

Personnel management in the context of digital transformation of the regional economy: experience of systemological analysis

CZU: 331.1

JEL: M15, M50

Klimenko Irina

Economic reflection of the ethical code of internal audit in the function of the managerial assistance

CZU: 338.2

JEL: H83

Rusu Bianca , Hurloiu Lacramioara Rodica Hurloiu Iulian 

Knowledge economy as developing factor in teacher training

CZU: 37.08+331.5

JEL: I21, I25, J24, O15

Andreeva Tatiana Mashal Lama 

Correlation of financial flows between the segments of the international financial market and the national economy

CZU: 336.6+336.02

JEL: E44, F36, F38

Balan Igor Tataru Doina

Managing the project’s teamwork

CZU: 338.2+334.7

JEL: M12, O22

Blagorazumnaya Olga Tataru Doina

Trends in reducing cash payments/collections in the Republic of Moldova

CZU: 336.7

JEL: E42

Burlea Ecaterina , Mînzarari Anatolie

Noi abordări strategice în managementul sportiv. studiu de caz – aplicarea formulei lui fibonacci în tacticile fotbalistice (rezumat)

CZU: 796.05+338.24

JEL: L83, Ζ28

Lisa Galina , Turcu Dumitru

Digitalizare, tehnologii și inovații în domeniul asigurărilor

CZU: 336.7

JEL: G220

Spînu Ana Dogotari Ilie Roman Ana Maria 

Modern concepts in the management of human potential

CZU: 331.5+331.005+658.3

JEL: M12, O15

Bunici Nelea

Strategies and concepts of knowledge management and talent management in banking institutions

CZU: 331.1+336.02

JEL: G21, I26, O16

Bunici Sergiu

Successful school leadership – practice and insights from a twelve year endeavor at a challenging school in a backward urban area

CZU: 65.012.4

JEL: I25, M12

Menashko Ylaf 

Технико-организационное и экономическое обоснование пересмотра состава зон реагирования на чрезвычайные ситуации

CZU: 656.087+334.02

Пянковский Сергей 

Importanța educației multiculturale în școală

CZU: 37:316.74

Marinescu Gabriela Stoica Cristina-Maria

Percepția provocarilor pandemiei covid-19 de catre populația de diferite varste

CZU: 316.45

Rusnac Svetlana 

Специфика социальных представлений о насилии в семье

CZU: 316.6

Ибришим Людмила 

Коммуникабельность как личностная стратегия совладания со стрессом у выпускников вузов

CZU: 316.6

Бянова Ирина 

Токсичность и характер действия бензола и толуола и его моно-галоидпроизводных

CZU: 669.715

Соколов Василий , Соколовa Людмила

Digital development in Republic of Moldova. country profile with statistical data

CZU: 005.1

Grecu Alexandru

Sinergia formelor (unităților) și metodelor organizării datelor informative pe mediul sustemului informatic unitar integrat

Фармакологические аспекты некоторых продуктов дигидропиримидинового ряда

CZU: 669.715

Чобану Наталья 

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